How To Make Your Own Paper Christmas Tinsel - DIY Guide

How To Make Your Own Paper Christmas Tinsel - DIY Guide

Whose started decorating?! The joy of crafting in the run up to Christmas has always been my favourite time. As a child I was one of those avid paper snowflake crafters, smothering the house in my snipped festive creations.
Last week I decked out my friend Charlie’s horse truck (HQ for her vintage bike hire business Vintage Village Velos) in full stripy paper bag decoration glory to bring together my vision for Christmas 2022 and to show off some of my festive crafting ideas.
The stripy paper bag tinsel has to be one of my favourites and I shall be wrapping our tree in metres of it this year. Super versatile, the paper tinsel can also be used to make a frilly fruit cake wrap and wrapped round presents for extra joy. In this blog post I will be showing you how to create your own tinsel!

What You'll Need:

Here are the bits and pieces you will need to make your own paper bag Christmas tinsel.

  • 35 x 25 cm Paper bags ( one bag will make 2.6m tinsel length)
  • Glue
  • Scissors

Step By Step Guide:

Follow these easy steps to get started...



  1. Cut down each side of the bag and open out flat
  2. Divide the bag into four even strips (approx 6cm wide) and glue the strips together to make one long length
  3. Fold the length in half and smooth down the fold line. Open out again and apply glue along the fold and 1cm either side, fold flat and smooth down. Start snipping approx 2cm snips towards the fold line
  4. Once you have snipped the full length give the tinsel a little ruffle to fluff up the frills!
Image: Petra Boase Paper Bag Fan Decorations
If like me you have the festive crafting bug, we have two ready to go paper bag decoration kits: Paper Bag Fan Decorations and Paper Bag Garland, both super easy and fun to make with a big WOW end result.
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